Creating a Signature Talk that Attracts Paid Speaking Opportunities with Cherlette McCullough: Podcast Ep. 396

Creating a Signature Talk that Attracts Paid Speaking Opportunities with Cherlette McCullough: Podcast Ep. 396

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Are you ready to elevate your speaking game and attract lucrative speaking engagements?

Diane Diaz, our lead speaking coach, sits down with one of our clients, Cherlette McCullough, a licensed marriage and family therapist, to delve into the keys to crafting a compelling signature talk that not only resonates with audiences but also leads to paid speaking opportunities.

Key Highlights:

  • Cherlette’s Journey: Discover how Cherlette transitioned from community speaking to landing high-paying gigs by refining her presentations and focusing on impactful delivery.
  • Signature Talk Breakdown: Learn the components of Cherlette’s successful signature talk, “From Selfie to Self-Reflection,” and how her engaging approach and relatable content captivated her audience.
  • Audience Engagement Tips: Get inspired by Cherlette’s innovative strategies to involve the audience, making her talks memorable and actionable.
  • Visibility and Media Appearances: Understand the importance of visibility in the speaking world and how Cherlette leveraged media opportunities to expand her reach.
  • Coaching and Growth: Hear firsthand how working with a speaking coach can transform your presentations and boost your confidence, leading to more significant opportunities.

You’ll learn:

  • How a single talk led to multiple paid engagements for Cherlette
  • The unique activity Cherlette used to captivate her audience and make her leadership talk unforgettable
  • Why it’s essential to think outside the box when choosing your speaking topics and audiences
  • How Cherlette’s consistent visibility and media presence has contributed to her speaking success

We know you’ll be inspired to get out there on the speaking circuit!


About Our Guest: Cherlette McCullough is a licensed marriage and family therapist, educator and advocate who is dedicated to highlighting the important role of mental health in fostering happiness, fulfillment, and overall wellness. She is the author of 2 self-help books and is the owner of Center Peace Therapy services. In her practice, she uses a strengths-based approach that empowers clients on their journey of self-love and mental wellness. Cherlette is active in her community through service. She currently serves as VP of the Board for the mental health association of central Florida, she also serves as a board member for Shepherds Hope. Cherlette has been featured as a Mental Health expert on local TV news and radio. She was awarded the 2018 African American Woman Project Community Award, the 2019 Cheryl Laird Mental Health Community Advocate Award, the 2022 I-4 Business Magazine Entrepreneurial Spirit award and the 2022 Women’s Executive Council Mental health wellness award. Cherlette is married to a sworn Deputy and is a bonus mom to 3 children. Cherlette enjoys watching comedy, traveling, and spending time with her family.

About Us: The Speaking Your Brand podcast is hosted by Carol Cox. At Speaking Your Brand, we help women entrepreneurs and professionals clarify their brand message and story, create their signature talks, and develop their thought leadership platforms. Our mission is to get more women in positions of influence and power because it’s through women’s stories, voices, and visibility that we challenge the status quo and change existing systems. Check out our coaching programs at


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Carol Cox:
How do you create a signature talk that attracts paid speaking opportunities? That’s where you’re going to hear in our conversation with client Cherlotte McCullough on this episode of the Speaking Your Brand podcast.

Carol Cox:
More and more women are making an impact by starting businesses, running for office and speaking up for what matters. With my background as a TV political analyst, entrepreneur and speaker, I interview and coach purpose driven women to shape their brands, grow their companies, and become recognized as influencers in their field. This is speaking your brand, your place to learn how to persuasively communicate your message to your audience.

Diane Diaz:
Speaking is a great way to generate leads for your business, but speaking itself can also be a revenue stream for your business. I’m Diane Diaz and I am lead speaking coach with speaking your brand, and that is what we’re going to be talking about today. We’re going to be talking about getting out there, speaking, building visibility, but then also using your signature talk and creating a signature talk that can help you actually get paid speaking gigs. So we’re going to be talking about that today with our guest, Cherlette McCullough. Shirley is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and we definitely need people like her out there speaking and sharing her message. So welcome to the podcast, Shirley.

Cherlette McCullough:
Thank you, Diane, I’m excited to be here to talk to you today.

Diane Diaz:
I am so excited to have you and for our audience to hear from you now. Take a minute before we jump into things. And, you know, I mentioned you’re a licensed marriage and family therapist, but tell us a little bit more about what you do, who you work with and how you help them so we can get some idea of what you do.

Cherlette McCullough:
Absolutely. So I am a marriage and family therapist, a licensed mental health therapist here in the Orlando area. And my niche, or the population that I work with are specialize with specialize in is with women and with couples. So all couples of all kinds, um, seasoned couples as well as new couples. So all couples around, um, relational things going on with the relationships. And sometimes people feel like that’s something that doesn’t have to do with mental health or any of those things. But it has so much to do. How we show up in relationships, how we treat ourselves, how we treat others, our expectations, how we handle conflict. All of that stuff can come from our childhood or experiences that we’ve had in our relationships. So that’s what I do in my practice. I also do a number of advocacy awareness things in our communities. I serve on a few boards and committees in our community, because I feel that mental health services should be accessible for everyone, no matter your socioeconomic status. Um, and through my work, I try to deliver that.

Diane Diaz:
Yes. And, you know, I feel like even in particular, in the time we’re living in, your services are so greatly needed because there’s a lot of things going on. And I think that, you know, mental health counseling, like you said, is beneficial regardless of what the situation is. And, you know, there’s the expression how we do anything is how we do everything right. And so how people navigate their personal relationships then infiltrates the workplace and everything else. So absolutely. So it’s it’s important work that you’re doing. And so I’m for one, I’m glad you’re out there sharing your voice. Now, you and I worked together, I believe, back in December of last year. But tell me a little bit, what was your speaking experience before you and I worked together? Were you out there speaking? How frequently were you speaking? What was it like?

Cherlette McCullough:
So prior to us working together, Diane, I was in the community speaking, doing different, uh, speaking engagements, facilitating different workshops and things like that. And it was going well, but it wasn’t going well, if I could say that, you know. So I wanted to one of the reasons why I reached out to you and wanted to know what you do specifically and talk to you about what I really wanted. So back then, what I really wanted was I wanted to take my speaking engagements or my speaking speeches or presentations to the next level. So at that time, I felt like I was kind of stagnant. You know, I knew the information that I wanted to, um, relate to people, but I just didn’t know how to relay it at a higher level. And sometimes people feel embarrassed to say that, or sometimes people feel like, I don’t know what to say. I just know I want something different. And talking to you, you were able to really guide me in that place of sure that this is what you really want. You know, I felt comfortable with you. I felt that I could really express what I wanted out of us meeting if we’re going to work together. I felt like I could be candid with you about that, you know? And so that’s really what I wanted. I wanted to continue doing public speaking and speaking to different populations, but I wanted to take my speeches or my presentations up to the next level. So with the information that I was sharing, how I delivered it, and really thinking about how is this going to resonate with the, um, audience that I want to present to?

Diane Diaz:
Yes, yes, I love that. You know, I think you’re right. I think it’s hard sometimes to say. And regardless of what we’re doing to say, I think it could be better. And I think I need someone to help me make it better. So it’s, you know, that’s a hard thing to say, but but, you know, you obviously had all the. Experience that you brought to this your knowledge. You were out there speaking like you said and doing workshops. So it’s not that you hadn’t spoken, but you at least recognized maybe this could be more impactful and have a have a bigger impact. And I don’t know if at the time, were you thinking about paid speaking engagements?

Cherlette McCullough:
Well, you know, I was thinking about that, um, Diane. But in being specific, I wanted paid, um, speaking engagements. That was over a certain amount. I couldn’t get over the hump of a certain amount, like, I can’t I can’t get over this amount, you know, and then just, you know, honestly, after we worked on my signature speech and really changed some things, I automatically, um, attracted different, um, businesses. I attracted different people, different entities that was interested in me coming to speak to them about the different topics that I had. I mean, that one place that I spoke at, you know, we worked on the speech together for this one, um, specific engagement that I had and from that one, that one that you helped me with, right. That one I got about four more. And then this past week, honestly, I can show you the emails. Honestly, this past week I had to turn down three because I just don’t have the capacity. Diane and I just don’t have it. But that one. Presentation that we did back in January. That one, it just it’s like it exploded, honestly. It just exploded from there. And I think I’ve referred a few women to you because from those engagements they were asking like, how did you learn to do that? Or who taught you that? And it’s like, it’s not about learning how to speak so much, you know, because some of us, we know how to and some of us have gotten over that fear of getting up. We’re still nervous, but we’ve gotten over that fear of getting up and presenting to different audiences. But how do we say, how do we make what we’re saying believable and impactful, and have takeaways that people can take away and share in their personal life as well as their professional life? And I feel that my signature speech, you are able to help me do that. I’m really proud of it. I mean, I’m really proud of that, um, signature speech. It’s almost time for me to work on a different one.

Diane Diaz:
Well, first of all, you should be very proud. And so just to for our listeners to give them a little history here. So you and I worked together in December and you had a specific event coming up, which was a leadership summit here locally. Right. And then that was going to take place in January. So we worked on that talk, and I want to dig into like what that was and why there was some magic in there that then led to these other speaking engagements. But then I actually was able I don’t often get to see the clients I work with on their talk. I don’t often get to see them deliver their talks in person. So it was a unique privilege and a such a pleasure for me to be able to come to that event and see you on the stage. Yes, all your glory and beautiful suit and you just, I mean, you you blew it out of the water. You did such a great job. Now, when we worked on that talk, you’re very welcome. And when we worked on that talk, one thing that, that we, we came up with was this idea of having this activity that the audience would participate in. So you want to tell us a little bit about the talk, like what was it about and what was the thing that was sort of the audience engagement piece that you had them do at the beginning and at the end? So tell us about that.

Cherlette McCullough:
Yeah. So that was exciting to me. I think I was more excited than the audience. I was so excited to deliver it because it it just did a lot for me. But the talk was about leadership, about how do you lead, what type of leader are you? And I wanted to leave them with some type of tool or some type of thought to think about how do I leave? Why am I leading this way? You know, am I being honest with myself about how I show up? So we did. The topic was self from selfie to self reflection. And I thought that topic, Diane, was so catchy because all of us do selfies right now. You know, everywhere we go, leadership summits, workshops, wherever we are, we’re doing, uh, selfies. So that topic was really good. And then the activity at the beginning was something that I really wanted. I wanted it to be engaging with people. So the activity at the beginning was really good. And it was, hold up your cell phones, right? I asked them to take out their cell phones, and that wasn’t hard because everybody had their cell phones out already. I asked them to hold up their cell phones, and they did hold the cell phones up. And I asked them if something happened to this little thing right here.

Cherlette McCullough:
Right. If something happened to this, how soon would you leave to go and get it fixed? How soon would you get this fixed? How how would this interrupt your day? How would it impact your life if this little gadget right here stop working? If there was some type of malfunction and just about everybody in the room was saying, you know, like immediately, you know, I would go and get it fixed, like I would leave here like immediately. And then I asked the question of, why don’t we do that when we have things going on in our minds, when we’re very stressed out, when we recognize there are things going on with us that is causing us to not operate in our normal way of functioning, you know? And everybody was engaged about that. And then I asked them to go ahead and take a selfie as well. And that was something everybody loved. I looked over the audience. It was over 300 people there. I looked over the audience and you should have seen everyone smiling and just, you know, taking selfies together. And then we went through the presentation, which was the ABCs or the framework of, um, functional leadership. Right. So and the first letter was the ABCs of ace. I’m sorry, not ABC was the ace.

Cherlette McCullough:
How do I ace my leadership style and all that stuff? So the first letter A was accountability C was for. Courage and E was for elevation. And they literally I mean, they love, love, love love loved it. And then at the end, I asked them to take that selfie out that they took at the beginning. And we just had an affirmation of speaking to that person about their leadership style. And you know, what they’re going to do going forward for themselves as well as the people that they lead. And it was one I mean, yesterday I was at an event and someone came up to me and talked about that signature speech at that event. So it was very impactful. I think it resonated with so many people there, um, in the audience. And that’s really what I wanted. I wanted something that was modern, something that was very impactful, something that was relatable. And it’s hard to do that sometimes when you don’t have the skills like you have Diane, you know, but, you know, it was won. That speech is one that I feel that was very relatable. I felt it was impactful, and I felt that it was something that everyone in the room could take away from, um, could to have. They had takeaways from that presentation.

Diane Diaz:
Yes, I agree, and I was there, as I said, and I was in the back of the very back of the room. So I got to not only which was good because I got to not only see you, but I got to see everybody in the in the audience and what they were doing, which is nice as a speaking coach, to not only be able to see the speaker that you worked with, but also to see how people are reacting to this activity, to the content. So I was able to see everybody being involved, like hanging on the edge of their seat, waiting to hear what you were going to say. So that was beautiful. But I love that activity because this is what, you know when we’re talking about, like how to create a signature talk that attracts paid speaking opportunities. It has to have something, like you said that really grabs them. And there’s a lot of leadership talks and you know, leadership. There’s you know, so many people speak on that. But how do you take that idea and make it timely and make it fun and relevant and interesting in a way that’s going to help them remember what you talked about and then have them tell other people so that then you’re now attracting other opportunities so that that selfie activity that’s timely because we’re all taking selfies all the time. Also, that idea of selfie to self reflection, we are all of us. And I’m I’m as guilty as anyone. We’re all self-absorbed, right? Yes. And so turning it from being self-absorbed to self reflection, which is the key to being an effective leader. So it just does a nice job of playing on something that’s very culturally timely and that we’re all doing, but connects it to the message that you wanted to share and nicely tied in your framework. So that was good. And so so you gave that talk in January? Yes. And how soon after that would you say somebody reached out to you for a paid gig?

Cherlette McCullough:
Well at the actual event. Oh.

Diane Diaz:
Wow. That’s fast.

Cherlette McCullough:
At the actual event, there was a time where we were able to take, um, pictures and the audience was able to take pictures with the speakers. And from there I had someone from a, um, government agency pulled me to the side and say, hey, I would like to know if you can come and speak to my staff at our office, at our building. I want to get with you, and we can do this and that. We exchange numbers. We talked the next week and I was able to go out there within. Within two weeks. Within two weeks, I had my first, uh, second paid event from there.

Diane Diaz:
That is incredible. And then you said you’ve done just from that one talk, you got four events. And so how tell us sort of the, the, the background of like, how did those come about? Was it you knew someone or they saw you or told someone.

Cherlette McCullough:
So from that one. The first one that I told you that I found that I, that I was, uh, in invited to speak to and paid from that one at the event. And then after that there was another one that someone from that organization referred me to an organization that they are a part of. And so that one. And then from there, there was one here. I’m not sure, um, if you heard of it, Diane, but there’s one here that’s called the 100 Women Strong. Yes. Um, I was invited there to be the moderator, um, for that event, which is their signature event annually. It’s a huge event. I mean, it was sold out within weeks. Um, of them putting the tickets and stuff like that out. So that was the third one. And then the fourth one was, um, one someone saw me on the news and, um, pulled me in from there to come and talk to them about mental health. And that one was paid.

Diane Diaz:
Yes. Well, so I’m glad you mentioned the news, because that’s the other thing that I want to touch on. You know, this idea of how do we create a talk that that we start giving and then it generates paid speaking opportunities. And I think part of it is, is obviously having the talk, right, having the talk with the framework and the the hook and all of that, and then getting out there and giving it because you are I have seen you all over the place here locally everywhere and and but the key that’s the key though to getting these engagements is, is visibility. You are so good at visibility. And by the way, for our listeners, not only is Cherlotte out there doing the thing, but she is sharing it on LinkedIn. So it is there’s a lot of visibility happening. So creating the talk and then using that talk, really just going out there and delivering it. And I will say even if you’re at first delivering it for free, deliver it because that gets you seen and then you can start sharing things. Cherlotte, how have these media opportunities? I’ve seen you in two media opportunities that I’ve seen. I’m sure there’s been more, but how have those come about?

Cherlette McCullough:
So I’ve been doing public speaking for about five years now, but at an executive level about two years. So in the beginning, I started going around volunteering to different businesses on topics that I specialized in. So compassion fatigue, um, burnout, grief and loss, just things that I specialized in that I was very strong in speaking about and had a deeper knowledge and trainings about. So I would go to those different businesses, different businesses here in Central Florida, um, and just volunteer to speak with them about those topics. And then I did a lot of work at different churches here in Central Florida. They would allow me to just come in, volunteer, and then the different people at the churches would then pass me around to their different organizations, and then it just started from there. I also used social media where I would just come on and just talk about different topics, but I stayed in my lane. I didn’t talk about things that I did not know about or things that I just read about. So I just talked candidly about relationships. I’m very passionate about how people show up in relationships, how you treat yourself, your relationships with yourself, with your family, with your, um, coworkers, with your employees, and different things like that. And I talked about that a lot, and I think that gave me the reputation of being a thought leader in this area. And then I just added mental health, and I talked about different diagnoses with mental health and then just making it, making people very aware of what mental health is really about.

Cherlette McCullough:
You know, I have this signature thing that I say, mental health is about three areas your thoughts, your emotions and your behaviors. You know, and I wanted to be a speaker that people remembered because there’s so many speakers here. Right, Diane. So I usually do things with like something catchy to it or something like one, two, three or something like ABC or like ace, like the signature speech that we spoke on. So it gives people that opportunity to grab it, hold on to it and use it again because it’s so memorable. Um, and then that’s how I started becoming a speaker and just, just started doing those things over and over and over and over again, you know, uh, and then with the media. Someone on channel nine called me one day and just asked if I could talk about, um, an issue with a youth. Something was going on with the youth in our community about five years ago, and I started talking to them about that. I did that one interview, and then that reporter called me again, and then that reporter sent me to another reporter, and then that reporter sent me to another reporter. And then then channel six called and they asked if I could talk on this. And I was like, yep, I talked to them. And then channel two called and I said, yep, I can talk to you too. And then channel 13 called is like, yep, I can talk to you too.

Diane Diaz:
That’s fantastic.

Cherlette McCullough:
Um, radio stations like NPR, radio, Wmfe, our local radio. They called and asked if I could talk on different topics, and then I started doing, um, those things with them. And then we have an entertainment company here at Afrotainment. They reached out to me, one of their talk show hosts, and asked if I could come on and be their mental health contributor. And that’s how I was, um, paid for that. Just coming on talking about mental health things. And then most recently, um, I started doing well. Two years is coming up on this year will be two years. I started doing mental health talks with ABC Action News six out of Philadelphia, Delaware and New Jersey. I started doing mental health contributions for them, and then that landed me, um, and I think I think I told you about this, Dan. But most recently, TV1 reached out to me and I did my first show with them for the true crime series Fatal Attraction. Being a mental health expert, uh, with them. And then they called last week and they hired me for another episode. So this is my second episode with them. But all of that came from, like you said earlier, Dan, putting myself out there talking about the things that I am strong in and just staying in that vein. And I think sometimes, Dan, these podcasts that you have, I think they’re so relevant for those of us, um, that do public speaking, because sometimes we have this thought of, I need to be an expert in everything.

Cherlette McCullough:
I need to be able to talk about everything. But I think that’s why it’s so good to speak with a coach, a speaking coach, honestly, because you all give us that confidence that, hey, what you have to say is relevant and this is how you’re going to deliver it. You know, this is, you know, you know what you want to say, but I’m going to help you enhance that, you know, for the different audiences. And I’m going to give you some ideas to think about and all those things. So it’s not so much that you give us speeches to come up with, you know, you give us what, but it’s truly coaching. You know, a lot of us have we know what we want to say, but we just don’t know how to put it together. And that’s why I believe in getting help. If you want to go to the next level, if you want those $10,000 speaking engagements, if you want those $10,000 TV shows or different networking type things that you want to work with different networks, that’s when you do get a coach to help you get over that hump. And that’s how I viewed it. It’s not so much like I don’t know what to do, but I needed help to get over that hump. And now you know, hey, Diane, now you’re.

Diane Diaz:
Turning down stuff. Yeah.

Cherlette McCullough:
Last week. Diane, all jokes aside, last week I had to turn down three paid speeches. A good problem.

Diane Diaz:
To have, right?

Cherlette McCullough:
Let me tell you, Diane, I wanted to do it now, but I just didn’t have the capacity to do it. But, yes, I think that’s what happens when you get that help. It’s just like you have the cake, but you just need that icing and you need the right candles to go on that cake to, like, take that cake up to the next level, you know? Yeah, that’s what I think coaching is all about. I believe in coaching. I believe in coaching. That’s how I really feel. That’s how we get to the next level.

Diane Diaz:
Well, I’m so glad that you shared that whole trajectory because I did want, you know, we often get questions from clients about, well, how can I get paid to speak, how can I get paid to speak? And the getting paid to speak often starts with just speaking for nothing. Like you said, you just went and sort of offered yourself up to say, I can speak on this, I can speak on this for free to volunteer. But that built started to build your credibility and so, so right for everybody listening, let’s use sure let’s example as sort of the guidelines like it it you probably will not get paid to speak overnight unless you’re a well-known celebrity. Right. That’s but what you can do is time is going to pass whether you start working on this or not. So start working on it now. Get yourself out there first, create a signature talk that is interesting. And like Cherlotte saying has a hook. It has a framework. You have a story, you have some audience engagement. And that is a talk that people want to hear. Because again, so many people speak on leadership. So you could have easily said, well, I don’t want to speak on leadership because everybody speaks on leadership. What do I have to say that’s important. But you took the opportunity, and then we created a talk that turned that message into something even higher level and interesting and engaging.

Diane Diaz:
But now you’re out there building visibility, and then little by little, more opportunities come your way. More opportunities. You’re coming come your way until finally you. Give that talk and bam, you start to get paid engagements and and supporting that with the visibility by okay I spoke here I’m going to put that on LinkedIn. I was I appeared on this news channel put that on LinkedIn and sharing it. Then other people start to say, oh, we we need someone to talk on mental health. Well sure. Let talks about that. So anything tangentially related to that you can speak on it. And look what look what you’ve grown it into now. Now you’re you’re being requested by media outside of our area. I mean that’s phenomenal. Yes. And so I love to see this because, you know, sometimes it can feel like well, you know, I know what I’m talking about. So I should be able to just, you know, go ask for money to speak. But it does take we know and we say it takes about two years, right, of consistent effort and delivering your message to build the visibility and the awareness of the audience and anybody that might want your speaking services. It takes about two years to build that awareness and that visibility. But start today and then you will get there.

Cherlette McCullough:
And you know, Diane, it’s all about being strategic too. And I know you hear that word a lot, but just being strategic about where do you do your signature talk, you know. Yes. What audience really want to hear what you’re talking about. And don’t put yourself in situations where people don’t want to hear about what you’re talking about, you know? So I’m not going to just go out and just say, hey, I’ll talk to you about mental health. No, I’m usually at places where people want to hear about mental health. And there’s one I shared this with people, and some people laugh. Some people go like, ah, I even went to funeral homes and offered my services around grief. So I would help families who are going through the loss of a loved one. And I would do a grief workshop for funeral home directors. You know, they could have their staff come in, and I just talk about grief and what it looks like and what to look like after this happened. And from there, I was sent around to different places to talk about, um, grief. Yeah.

Diane Diaz:

Cherlette McCullough:
So thinking outside of the box too.

Diane Diaz:
Yes, yes. And thinking like like you were saying, you know, you have this one core message, but who could that appeal to? And even thinking outside the box, are there any tangentially related audiences that might want some version of that talk? Right. So it’s staying in your lane, but also thinking outside the box of other areas. You might be able to add value through your message, and that is what’s building that visibility. So now you’ve got this sort of visibility bucket, if we can call it where you’ve built this or this foundation, and now you are getting people reaching out to you to come on their news channel, to come speak to their organization. That is the position we want to be in. And so again, to our listeners, this for sure, let this, this explosion of opportunities look at what came from just giving that talk that one time. That is phenomenal. And I’m just I’m you should be so proud of yourself.

Cherlette McCullough:
I really am, Diane. And the other thing I want to say to the listeners, some people may say or feel like, hey. What I want to talk about is not relevant right now. Mental health is something that everybody is talking about. Yep. You know, we want to move away from that type of thinking. Yes. And think about who is the audience. Where is that audience that want to hear my signature talk? Because there is an audience for your signature talk, those things that you are passionate about, those things that you speak really well about. There is an audience for that. There is an audience. I have someone here that shares space with me in my office, and her niche is one that you would some people would probably say, you know, I don’t know if people really, you know, want to hear about that. And it’s about bariatric surgery. So let me tell you, she got really focused about what it is that she wants to talk about when it comes to weight loss surgery. And I promise you this. She has had speaking engagements all over the country.

Diane Diaz:

Cherlette McCullough:
About bariatric surgery and support after bariatric surgery. I mean, right now she’s in Greece. Oh, there’s a retreat that she’s at that she’s. They’re talking about her niche.

Diane Diaz:

Cherlette McCullough:
I said that to say don’t minimize what it is that you want to talk about. Listen, of course, in your mind, it feels like, oh, this is an important. That’s why it’s so important to get coaching, you know, and allow the coach to help you expand on that area that you have. You know, you can sit and talk with someone who can give you ideas outside of the box around that topic that you’re passionate about. So don’t give up and don’t feel like, oh, you know what? Well, it’s happening for her because everybody is talking about mental health after the pandemic. No, there’s hundreds of therapists out here for the news networks to, you know, choose from. But why do they choose me? Because there’s something different. And that’s why we get coaching to be different.

Diane Diaz:
Yes. Oh, well, I you it’s almost like I paid you to say this because no, you.

Cherlette McCullough:
Did not pay me.

Diane Diaz:
I know this is what we tell our clients too, is this. Everybody has a message, and I guarantee you there’s an audience for it, right? Oh, everyone has an audience. In fact, we like to say your audience is out there and they’re waiting for you. On you. Yeah, they’re waiting for you to take that topic that everybody already talks about and deliver it to them in a way that resonates with them because of your story, because of your framework, because of the way you engage with them and your unique delivery of that message. There’s an audience waiting for you, but you just have to get started. And like you said, get coaching. Yes, find a new twist on the way to deliver that talk and to make it authentic to you. When I watched you, Cherlotte in January, deliver that talk that the way you delivered, it just felt so organic and so authentic to who I feel. And I didn’t even know you that well at that point. But just what I gathered about your personality, it was such a good fit for you. The delivery, the audience, the you know, how you delivered it, the way they responded. Everything was just seamless. And so, you know, I agree. If you if you have a message to share, don’t worry if there’s already other people speaking about it, there’s not there’s not you speaking about it and they’re not speaking about it the way you would speak about it. So there is an audience out there waiting for you. So it starts though, by creating that signature talk and then building on the visibility, the way that you’ve done and that bariatric surgery example with your colleague is such a great example. Right. That’s you might not think there would be an audience for that, but there is an audience literally for everything. There is an.

Cherlette McCullough:
Audience. There is an audience.

Diane Diaz:
Trust me. Yes, yes and yes way they absolutely, absolutely pay you. And so why shouldn’t it be you? Why? Right. Well, it should.

Be you.

Diane Diaz:
Why shouldn’t it be you? Yes, yes. Well, so tell us then, um, what is on the horizon for you in the future as far as your speaking goes and your visibility? Any, any new exciting opportunities coming up, or do you have any other plans for speaking?

Cherlette McCullough:
So no other plans right now, just, you know, just going around the United States speaking. I would like to speak outside of the country on mental health and the effects of mental health and how it impacts us and how it shows up in every area of our lives. I would really love to do that. That’s a that’s a goal that I have for, um, present presenting to a different audience outside of the country. But, you know, now I’m just focused on, you know, seeing clients in the office and also this, uh, network TV one, working with them and expanding that and seeing where that goes after these episodes. Uh, air and things like that. I’m really excited about that. Um, one of the speaking engagements that I got from that signature talk is with the Early Learning Coalition. So I’m really excited to work with them. They’ve hired me to do their keynote, their annual speaking, and then I’m going to do a couple of their small retreats that they’re doing. So I’m excited about that. Diane. Different things, uh, going on with that and just staying busy and out here doing what I feel I’m called to do about mental health awareness.

Diane Diaz:
Well, see, and that’s you’re responding to your calling, and that is what leads to all these opportunities, because you are doing the thing that you were uniquely gifted to do. So that I love to see it. And I, I just cannot say enough good things. And everybody listening go to Cherlotte’s LinkedIn profile, go to her content. There you can see portions of her talk. You can see her on the different stations in the news media clips that she shares. And then you can get a sense for not only, of course, Cherlotte’s fabulousness, but also the way that she’s leveraged. Well, you’re welcome. The way that she’s leveraged this opportunity and her visibility in a way that then leads to these paid opportunities. And also, you just mentioned something, too. You’re speaking to the Early Learning Coalition. Don’t think that nonprofits don’t have money to pay you to speak because they do. Because they put on conferences, they do trainings, they have budgets.

Cherlette McCullough:
They do. And then they have sponsors also that. Yes, the speakers.


Diane Diaz:
So keep that in mind as well. All right. Well, so as I said, go to Cherlotte’s LinkedIn. But in addition to LinkedIn, Cherlotte, how can our listeners connect with you.

Cherlette McCullough:
So they can also go to my website which is center peace therapy. Org.

And I believe that’s P.e.a.c.e..

Diane Diaz:


Cherlette McCullough:
P.e.a.c.e. like Center peace center. Peace your heart. That’s why I named it that. You know.

I love the name peace. Yes. All right.

Cherlette McCullough:
C e n t e r p e a c And they can reach me there. All those things, they can reach out to me there. They can send me an email there. I have, um, books there that they can get different books that I’ve written, quick books that I can get, um, that they can get digital copies and stuff like that there too.

Diane Diaz:
Fantastic. And we’ll put that in the show notes as well, so everybody will have access to that. Well, Cherlotte, thank you so much for coming on the podcast today. It has been not only a pleasure to work with you, but just a pleasure to chat with you today and to share you with our listeners, which I know they’re going to love.

Cherlette McCullough:
Thank you, Diane. Thank you so much.

Diane Diaz:
Absolutely. All right. Well, to everybody listening, if you’d like to learn more about your speaker archetype and see what type of a speaker you are, you can visit our website and take our speaker Archetype quiz. And that is at speaking your Again that is speaking your Until next time. Thanks for listening.

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