Carol Morgan Cox is the founder and CEO of Speaking Your Brand®, host of the weekly Speaking Your Brand® podcast, and a sought-after presenter and trainer on public speaking, business storytelling, AI strategy, and women's leadership.

 One of Orlando's
Women of the Year

About Carol Morgan Cox, Founder

I believe that as high-performing women we change the paradigm, the perception of ambitious women, by more of us actively and visibly pursuing bigger, audacious goals, raising our voices and sharing our stories about what really matters – on stages, in boardrooms, in our businesses, in the media – so others can learn from our journeys, see themselves in ours, and become leaders in their own companies and communities.

We need more women to lead because, frankly, our world won’t survive without us stepping up and taking the reins – and we need the tools, support, and confidence to do so.

I started Speaking Your Brand® precisely to provide the coaching, strategy, support, and confidence you need to take your story and your craft and turn it into a core message, whether it’s web copy or a presentation, that provides immense value to your audience and leaves them wanting more from you.

I’m a left-brained, logical, get-it-done, couldn’t-draw-a-stick-figure-to-save-my-life kind of person.

I grew up reading and learning about people who weren’t afraid to put their values on the line in order to change the world – and I wanted to be like them.

I envisioned myself as a young woman in the French Resistance during World War II, daringly helping others escape to freedom so that democracy and goodness could prevail over totalitarianism and darkness. (Quite dramatic, I know. I can picture the movie version in my head.)

Not surprisingly, I went to grad school for History and am happiest in a college library surrounded by books.

Then I made a detour into web programming and started two technology companies. I also teach business and marketing classes at a university.

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Listen to the

Speaking Your Brand® Podcast


7 Essential Questions for Your Brand Story with Elayne Fluker: Podcast Ep. 410

Transforming Your Story into a Movement with Allison Walsh: Podcast Ep. 409

Transforming Your Story into a Movement with Allison Walsh: Podcast Ep. 409

Building Your Speaking Platform as an Author (Even If You're an Introvert!) with Tiffany Hawk: Podcast Ep. 407

Building Your Speaking Platform as an Author (Even If You’re an Introvert!) with Tiffany Hawk: Podcast Ep. 407

Authenticity and Owning Your Story as Women with a Public Voice with Jennifer Adams and Sarah Henry: Podcast Ep. 406

Authenticity and Owning Your Story as Women with a Public Voice with Jennifer Adams and Sarah Henry: Podcast Ep. 406

Past Speaking Engagements Include
