Presentation & Storytelling Skills

with Clarity & Confidence

Develop Your Executive Presence + Leadership
through Presentation & Storytelling Skills


We've all been in those meetings where someone exudes an indefinable 'something' that commands attention. When they speak, everyone listens. When they lead, everyone follows. What is this elusive quality? It's called executive presence.

But here's the thing: Executive presence doesn't simply materialize overnight. Nor is it the exclusive domain of the naturally charismatic. It's an art that can be cultivated, and one of the most powerful tools for doing so is honing your presentation and storytelling skills.

Presentation skills are more than just about giving a well-crafted speech or PowerPoint presentation. They are about communicating effectively, whether it's a one-on-one conversation, a team meeting, or a keynote speech in front of hundreds.

Effective leadership communication is not a luxury, it's a necessity. In the current business climate, your team's ability to communicate ideas clearly, persuade effectively, and exhibit strong executive presence can be a game-changer. It can empower your leaders to inspire their teams, make better strategic decisions, and succeed in external interactions like sales and negotiations.

Storytelling skills are about connecting on a human level. They transform dry facts and figures into compelling narratives that captivate audiences, foster empathy, and drive engagement. A leader skilled in storytelling doesn’t just share information; they weave it into a narrative that resonates deeply, making their message memorable and impactful.

Here at Speaking Your Brand, we are experts in helping you develop the clarity and confidence you need to communicate your ideas, get buy-in, and move your audience to action.


What you want to do:

  • communicate your ideas clearly
  • be seen as a thought leader in your company and industry
  • make your presentations more impactful & memorable
  • uplevel your delivery and executive presence
  • boost your confidence

Trainings can include:

  • persuasive storytelling
  • creating impactful presentations
  • engaging your audience
  • delivering with confidence
  • executive presence

See Us in Action

Why Presentation Skills Matter in Building Executive Presence

Clarity and Articulation

The ability to express your thoughts and ideas clearly is a cornerstone of executive presence. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it. Presenting with clarity and confidence signals to your audience that you know your stuff and are confident in your role.

Persuasion and Influence

Leaders need to rally people around a common goal. To do this, you must be able to influence and persuade. Effective presentation skills include the art of persuasion, helping you to win over stakeholders, motivate your team, and champion your ideas with conviction.

Engagement and Connection

Building rapport with your audience is crucial to your executive presence. A great presenter knows how to engage the audience, create a connection, and foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding.

Resilience and Adaptability

Not every presentation will go as planned. How you handle these moments can either bolster or undermine your executive presence. Masterful presenters are resilient, adaptable, and can think on their feet.

When we were planning our ’Change the World Through Research’ event at the University of California’s DC Center, I knew I had to have Speaking Your Brand coach our faculty who would be presenting their research.

Although faculty have fantastic ideas and often have extremely relevant ideas for policy, they're not always capable of delivering those ideas in a way that's compelling.

And it worked! People were emailing me afterwards, asking ‘How did you find such amazing speakers?’

You all did an incredible job helping them get a clear idea of their message and then connecting that message to their personal story, plus giving them the confidence to do it."

— Tanya Golash-Boza, PhD, Executive Director, University of California Washington DC Center


Trainings on Executive Presence & Presentations

  • Creating Compelling Presentations

    Learn how to create compelling and impactful presentations using the our Signature Talk Canvas® framework, which incorporates timeless elements from 3-act story structure and the hero’s journey, applied in a business context.

  • Engaging Your Audience

    Learn specific techniques you can use to keep your audience interested and engaged, including the Speaking Your Brand® E.P.I.C. Communication Model.

  • Persuasive Storytelling

    Learn how to tell a persuasive story about your idea using our 6 C’s storytelling framework and how to make your story memorable using our I.D.E.A.L. story ingredients.

  • Delivering with Confidence

    Learn the best ways to practice and prepare for your presentation and how to deliver with confidence, whether it's a one-on-one conversation, a team meeting, or a keynote speech in front of hundreds.

The trainings you did for us got us to think differently about the presentations our employees do when they go to conferences.

Our content tends to be technical, but you showed us how we can be more engaging with the audience and use humor to make our sessions more appealing.

Our executive leadership team is excited about what we learned and the professional development opportunity we could give to our employees.

Your trainings were engaging and covered exactly what we needed to improve our presentation content, delivery, and lead generation."

— Meredith Turner, Marketing Director, Education Networks of America (ENA)


I engaged Speaking Your Brand to facilitate a workshop on the topic of public speaking with our Women’s Leadership Group at Accesso, with the goal of giving our women leaders techniques and strategies to have stronger voices in their professional and personal lives.

They truly delivered expertly threaded topics that were relevant to the Women’s Leadership Group sessions.

They not only provided the group with insight on how to use public speaking strategies in their everyday work, meetings, and more, but created an atmosphere of sharing, growing and learning.

Our group left the workshop feeling inspired, energized, and ready to speak up and take ownership for their voice in their community, workplace and personal lives.”

— Anne Niebch, Sr. Project Manager, Accesso

Meet Your Facilitators

Carol Cox

Carol Cox

Carol Cox is the founder & CEO of Speaking Your Brand® and host of the weekly Speaking Your Brand® podcast.

Carol speaks on AI; women's leadership; and business storytelling. During election seasons, she serves as a political analyst on TV news. Carol was named as one of Orlando's Women of the Year 2021 and has been featured in Forbes.

Carol has a Master's degree in History from Emory University and years of experience in entrepreneurship, technology, marketing, and public speaking.

She lives in Orlando, FL.

Diane Diaz

Diane Diaz

Diane Diaz is our lead Speaking Coach with Speaking Your Brand®.

Diane speaks regularly on personal branding, LinkedIn strategy, and women's empowerment. Diane has an extensive background in marketing and branding and is also an Ironman triathlete.

Diane has a Master's in Business Administration and lives in Orlando, FL.

Over 2 million views

Success Story

From our first consult call, Tammy Lally's powerful insights into talking honestly and openly about "money shame" so moved me that I knew her message was an idea worth spreading.

The immediate and dramatic reactions from reviewers let us know that the work we had done together would get results.

Her TEDxOrlando talk was so well received that it was selected by the TED organization to be showcased on their home page (only about 50 out of 25,000 TEDx talks are selected for the home page each year). Since August 2018, Tammy's talk has had over 2 million views.

"Carol’s process of storytelling is compassionate and smart. With her guidance, I was able to take my story and turn it into a powerful idea worth spreading on the TEDx stage. We all need people to guide us to our greatness. Carol is one of those people.” - Tammy Lally

"Carol Cox is one of the best speaking coaches out there.” - TED Organizer Alex Rudloff

Have questions?


So motivating listening to Carol Cox about 'Speaking Your Brand' at our event. As business leaders we need to connect with our clients and audience from an emotional standpoint. Emotion drives action and our 'WHY' builds trust and rapport!"

— Aimee Lloyd, Chief Marketing Officer; Member of Florida Executive Women


I did it. I faced my fear of public speaking to share not only my story of my journey into the abyss of physician burnout but also my new framework for ways forward.

Thank you to Speaking Your Brand for helping me with the framework, story integration and layout of my talk.

I am grateful to you for being such great coaches and facilitating the emergence of breakthrough after breakthrough.

— Charmaine Gregory, M.D., Speaker & Workshop Facilitator on Professional Burnout

Charmaine Gregory
Listen to the

Speaking Your Brand® Podcast


Why I No Longer “Teach from the Stage” with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 392


Claiming Your Identity as a Speaker and Thought Leader with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 391


Impromptu Speaking: How to Prepare and Feel Confident in Any Situation with Carol Cox: Podcast Ep. 390

Empowering Women in the Age of AI with Denise Musselwhite: Podcast Ep. 389

Empowering Women in the Age of AI with Denise Musselwhite: Podcast Ep. 389