Speak Your Way to Publication: New Online Workshop

Speak Your Way to Publication Workshop Promo

Are you looking to become an author or have you already written a book?

As you know, books and speaking go hand in hand!

  • Event organizers love speakers who have books.
  • Book agents and publishers love authors who have an established platform that includes speaking engagements.

This is why I’m joining forces with my book coach Tiffany Hawk to offer you a brand new LIVE online workshop.

What Tiffany and I see and hear so often is that authors mistakenly shy away from public speaking because they they think it’s not for them.

I get it! I too love books and oftentimes prefer them to people. 🙂

But, if you want to attract book agents and publishers (and eventually readers!), doing speaking engagements and interviews is one of the best ways to build your platform.

As a fellow introvert, I’m going to teach you what I’ve done to build confidence as a speaker.

During our hands-on, focused 3-hour workshop on Zoom, you’ll:

  • Gain concrete techniques to feel confident on stage, even (especially) if you’re an introvert!
  • Learn my proven framework to prepare for any presentation or interview, whether you have 5 minutes or 5 weeks to get ready
  • Identify your ideal places to speak and the best ways to pitch yourself
  • Learn from Tiffany exactly what agents and publishers want to see and how to showcase that in your book proposal or query letter
  • Leave with a comprehensive workbook and recording of the workshop
  • Benefit from personalized feedback and coaching from both me and Tiffany
  • Network and connect with other ambitious authors sharing the same journey

You do the work in our workshop!

Workshop Date: Thursday, October 17, 2024

Time: 1-4 pm Eastern (10 am-1 pm Pacific)

Location: Live on Zoom

Get all the details and sign up today.

Get Our Free Thought Leadership Workbook

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